Value for Money
Oct 20, 2022
Value for Money
Dayamoy Das
Sep 19, 2022
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What is the down payment for Ashok Leyland Bada Dost i3?
Ashok Leyland Bada Dost i3 EMI is Rs. 14679.58 for a loan period of 60 months at 8.5% interest rate and loan amount of Rs. 715500. You can calculate EMI Click here
29 Mar 2023
What is the Mileage of the Ashok Leyland Bada Dost i3?
As of now there is no official update in regards to the Mileage of the Ashok Leyland Bada Dost i3. We request you to wait for the official update.
Gaurab gupta
28 Sept 2022
*Prices subject to change at variant level and cities
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