*कीमतें अलग-अलग स्तर और शहरों के आधार पर बदल सकती हैं
₹39,103 /month*
नंबर ऑफ़ सीट्स | 36 seats |
इंजन कैपेसिटी | 3455 cc |
पावर | 101 HP |
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Loan Amount
Interest Amount
Time Period (in years)
1 year
7 year
Loan Amount
Interest Amount
Loan Amount | ₹18,83,700 |
Payable Interest | ₹4,62,451 |
Total Amount Payable | ₹23,46,151 |
स्वराज माजदा एस ब्रोशर डाउनलोड करें
अधिक विवरण देखने के लिए स्वराज माजदा एस ब्रोशर डाउनलोड करें।
विशेषज्ञ और उपयोगकर्ताओं से अपना उत्तर प्राप्त करें
What is the mileage of Swaraj Mazda S7 School Bus?
Mileage of Swaraj Mazda S7 School Bus has not yet announced from brand's end. Mileage of a vehicle depends upon the road condition, tire condition and driving skills. It is advised to wait till the brand officially announces the mileage of Swaraj Mazda S7 School Bus. For more details, please click here Swaraj Mazda S7 School Bus Specifications
Pramod Kumar (Verified)
on: 28 Jun 2023
Can i get the quotation for Swaraj Mazda S7 School Bus?
Swaraj Mazda S7 School Bus is available in Indian automobile market. In order to get the quotation for Swaraj Mazda S7 School Bus, it is advised to contact nearest Swaraj Mazda dealership. A dealership executive will help you with quotation for Swaraj Mazda S7 School Bus. To find the nearest Swaraj Mazda dealership, please click on Swaraj Mazda S7 School Bus Dealer
J c High School (Verified)
on: 13 Jun 2023
Can i get quotation for Swaraj Mazda S7 School Bus?
Swaraj Mazda S7 School Bus is available in Indian automobile market. In order to get the quotation for Swaraj Mazda S7 School Bus, it is advised to contact nearest Swaraj Mazda dealership. A dealership executive will help you with quotation for Swaraj Mazda S7 School Bus. To find the nearest Swaraj Mazda dealership, please click on Dealer - Swaraj Mazda S7 School Bus
Ramana Murthy for chinmayaranyam asram (Verified)
on: 08 May 2023
Where can i find Swaraj Mazda dealership in Azamgarh for Swaraj Mazda S7 School Bus?
There are 3 Swaraj Mazda dealers in New DelhiTo check more dealers for Swaraj MazdaClick here
Vijay (Verified)
on: 23 Feb 2023
What is the on road price of Swaraj Mazda S7?
The Ex showroom price for Swaraj Mazda S7 in New Delhi is
Rs.22.08 Lakh onwards and On road price is Rs.26.13 Lakh Lakh onwards.To check the price breakup Click here
Surajsaw (Verified)
on: 17 Aug 2022
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