Comparison For Tata Signa 2825.K/.TK-vs-Tata Signa 4221.T

Confused between Tata Signa 2825.K/.TKandTata Signa 4221.T ? Wondering whether you should spend that hard earned money on Tata Signa 2825.K/.TKandTata Signa 4221.T? Don't Worry! We are here to help you choose between these two models. Talking about Tata Signa 2825.K/.TK, it has been priced at Rs ₹41.18 - ₹50.91 Lakh. On the other hand, Tata Signa 4221.T will cost you more than Tata Signa 2825.K/.TK.Tata Signa 4221.T comes with a price tag of Rs ₹45.25 Lakh.

Check the details

Check the detailed comparison for the models below on the basis of features, comfort, power, transmission, suspension and more.

Key HighlightsTata Signa 2825.K/.TKTata Signa 4221.T
EX-Showroom Price₹41.18 - ₹50.91 Lakh₹45.25 Lakh
Signa 2825.K/.TK

Scoop body

₹41.18 - ₹50.91 Lakh

Signa 4221.T


₹45.25 Lakh


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