Comparison For Eicher Starline 2090 L CNG School Bus-vs-Swaraj Mazda Prestige School Bus BSVI

Confused between Eicher Starline 2090 L CNG School BusandSwaraj Mazda Prestige School Bus BSVI ? Wondering whether you should spend that hard earned money on Eicher Starline 2090 L CNG School BusandSwaraj Mazda Prestige School Bus BSVI? Don't Worry! We are here to help you choose between these two models. Talking about Eicher Starline 2090 L CNG School Bus, it has been priced at Rs . On the other hand, Swaraj Mazda Prestige School Bus BSVI will cost you more than Eicher Starline 2090 L CNG School Bus.Swaraj Mazda Prestige School Bus BSVI comes with a price tag of Rs ₹16.62 - ₹20.18 Lakh.

Check the details

Check the detailed comparison for the models below on the basis of features, comfort, power, transmission, suspension and more.

Key HighlightsEicher Starline 2090 L CNG School BusSwaraj Mazda Prestige School Bus BSVI
EX-Showroom PricePrice coming soon₹16.62 - ₹20.18 Lakh
Starline 2090 L CNG School Bus

51 Seater/5165

Price coming soon

Prestige School Bus BSVI

46 Seater/4760

₹16.62 - ₹20.18 Lakh


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