Comparison For Bharat Benz 4D34i Tourist Bus-vs-Volvo 9400 B8R

Confused between Bharat Benz 4D34i Tourist BusandVolvo 9400 B8R ? Wondering whether you should spend that hard earned money on Bharat Benz 4D34i Tourist BusandVolvo 9400 B8R? Don't Worry! We are here to help you choose between these two models. Talking about Bharat Benz 4D34i Tourist Bus, it has been priced at Rs . On the other hand, Volvo 9400 B8R will cost you more than Bharat Benz 4D34i Tourist Bus.Volvo 9400 B8R comes with a price tag of Rs ₹1.15 - ₹1.35 Cr.

Check the details

Check the detailed comparison for the models below on the basis of features, comfort, power, transmission, suspension and more.

Key HighlightsBharat Benz 4D34i Tourist BusVolvo 9400 B8R
EX-Showroom PricePrice coming soon₹1.15 - ₹1.35 Cr
4D34i Tourist Bus


Price coming soon

9400 B8R

13.5 M

₹1.15 - ₹1.35 Cr


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