Exploring School Staff Buses? Well, your search ends here. We have listed all the School Staff Buses which are available in India.
Most popular School Staff Bus is Tata LP 410 Starbus Skool. It is available in India with a and 99 horsepower. It is priced at Rs. 18.53 Lakh.
You can browse all the School Staff Buses options from here and research more about features and technical specifications, mileage, latest prices, genuine user reviews, colours, service & maintenance cost, exclusive images & videos. You may even compare multiple Bus models for better understanding of alternatives.
Finally, when you decide which School Staff Bus suits you most, you may choose to contact your nearest Bus dealers to get best offers.
Other popular School Staff Buses models are:
Popular School Staff Buses
Bus Model | Price | Specification |
Tata LP 410 Starbus Skool | Rs. 1852821 | 2956 cc, Diesel |
Tata Starbus Ultra School | Rs. 1400000 | 3800 cc, Diesel |
Tata Starbus School LP 810 | Rs. 1417030 | 2956 cc, Diesel |
Tata LP 407 Starbus Skool CNG | Rs. 1691064 | 3800 cc, CNG |
Tata LP 913 Starbus Skool CNG AC | Rs. 2012901 | 5700 cc, CNG |
No Of Seats
52 seats
123 HP
Fuel Tank Capacity
516 L
No Of Seats
30 seats
85 HP
Fuel Tank Capacity
310 L
No Of Seats
30 seats
100 HP
Fuel Tank Capacity
60 L
No Of Seats
34 seats
154 HP
Fuel Tank Capacity
120 L
Fuel Type
No Of Seats
40 seats
130 HP
Fuel Tank Capacity
636 L
No Of Seats
50 seats
83 HP
No of Cylinders
4 cylinders
Fuel Tank Capacity
636 L
No Of Seats
50 seats
123 HP
Fuel Tank Capacity
160 L
No Of Seats
59 seats
99 HP
Fuel Tank Capacity
120 L
Fuel Type
No Of Seats
41 seats
177 HP
Fuel Tank Capacity
250 L
No Of Seats
19 seats
140 HP
No of Cylinders
4 cylinders
Fuel Tank Capacity
90 L
The primary objective of school staff buses is to provide a reliable and secure mode of transportation for the faculty and staff members of schools. These buses are specifically designed and equipped to cater to the unique needs of the school community, ensuring a hassle-free commute while prioritizing safety.
If you are exploring school staff buses on 91trucks, you will get a valuable and appropriate price. School staff buses in India have a wide range of prices, which starts from Rs. 14.50 Lakhs and go up to Rs. 30.15 lakhs*.
We hope you enjoyed our in-depth exploration of School staff buses in India and how they are transforming the logistics industry. Get all information related to School staff buses at 91 Trucks. You can also apply filters to select the brand of the School staff buses, you can even check every specification about the School staff buses price list, other specifications, and much more.
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